Upcoming TRANSCAER® Events


BNSF Winnipeg Yard 963 Lindsay St. Winnipeg, MB R3N 1X6 - Winnipeg, MB

Day Session: Aug 30-Sept 2, 2022 (09:00-13:00)

Choose one of the following modules:

Tank Car / Locomotive Familiarization
Dangerous Goods Mock
Locomotive Rescue

Afternoon Session: Aug 30-Sept 2, 2022 (16:00-20:00)

Choose one of the following modules:

Tank Car / Locomotive Familiarization
Dangerous Goods Mock
Locomotive Rescue


This is an interactive awareness training, utilizing the BNSF Hazmat Train with a mobile classroom, tank car and locomotive. Students will focus on rail safety, ICS, site assessment, intelligence gathering, specialized equipment and resources, mitigation techniques, locomotive hazards rescue and exercise review.

Each module will include a HANDS-ON WORKSHOP which will be conducted using the railway training tank car, locomotive and trailers.

For more information and to register email:




Contact: Tom Bozyk


Opportunité d'apprentissage virtuel TRANSCAER (Available in French only)

- , QC

Rejoignez TRANSCAER pour une opportunitée d'apprentissage virtuel le 17 Novembre 2022 de 13h00 à 14h30 EST ! La session sera remplie d'informations intéressantes sur la sécurité ferroviaire et le transport des marchandises dangereuses. Nous utiliserons les outils VR de TRANSCAER pour vous donner un aperçu du wagon-citerne CCPX 911.

Inscrivez-vous depuis un PC, un Mac, un iPad, un iPhone ou un appareil Android : Veuillez cliquer sur ce lien pour rejoindre l'événement. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82591549304?pwd=SkVCM0dSTVJyZWFzVEQrS2pRLzNuZz09

Code d'accès: 647141 Ou une touche mobile : +15873281099,,82591549304#,,,,*647141# Canada +16473744685,,82591549304#,,,,*647141# Canada Ou rejoignez-nous par téléphone : Composez (pour une meilleure qualité, composez un numéro basé sur votre position actuelle) : Canada : +1 587 328 1099 ou +1 647 374 4685 ou +1 647 558 0588 ou +1 778 907 2071 ou +1 780 666 0144 ou +1 204 272 7920 ou +1 438 809 7799 ID du webinaire : 825 9154 9304 Code d'accès : 647141 Numéros internationaux disponibles : https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbFJiPA9m1

Contact: Kristina Adler


BC Regional TRANSCAER Committee Meeting

Via Zoom Video Conference - Surrey, BC

Our last regular quarterly meeting of 2022 will be held on thursday, December 8th starting at 0900 BC time.  An agenda will be sent out to those on the BC mailing list to inform them of the details of how to join the zoom conference.  Please join us.  If you are not on the e-mail distribution list please contact Doug Kittle at dandg@shaw.ca or call 604-341-1060 for an invitation.  All BC first responders,emergency planners and related positions interested in rail and highway emergency response to dangerous goods incidents in your BC community are welcome to attend.

Doug Kittle

Contact: Doug Kittle




As an attendee of this day of information sharing, you’ll be involved in presentations on railway safety, railway tank car anatomy, and TDG safety presented by leading industry personnel. Lunch will be served at approximately noon each day, after which all attendees will move outside to get some hands-on learning with the static displays. These displays will include a railway tank car, a fire trailer, a trailer with common tank car valves, a highway tanker, and a display provided by one of the Alberta area emergency response contractors.

An evening session will also be available on August 17th for those who are not able to attend one of the full-day sessions. The evening session will not include any of the classroom presentations.

These are full-day events featuring morning presentations followed by afternoon interactive static displays, at GATX Rail in Red Deer, AB.

PPE required: hard hat, safety glasses, steel-toed boots, gloves, high-viz vest or turnout gear.

Space is limited to a maximum of 44 people per day, so please register before August 10, 2023.

There is no cost to attend, coffee and snacks to start the day, and lunch will be provided each day.

To register or for more information e-mail Randy Mak at makfam4@telus.net



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